****Please check back frequently for information regarding our show, or visit our Facebook page****
Sunday May 4, 2025
11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Location: Centerport Beach. Centerport, New York.
End of Little Neck Road. Past the Vanderbilt Museum.
Please print this form, complete and mail to:
CFD Eagle Truck Company
9 Park Circle
Centerport, NY 11721
Vehicle Fees:
$20 pre-registration
$25 at the show (entry is not guaranteed)
Spectator Fees:
$10 per person
Children under 12 get in free
Antique and custom built cars, trucks, motorcycles, and fire trucks.
Food and beverages will be available
Advertise your business at our show!
*** 2025 Prizes ***
Raffle: $5 donation per ticket, $20 for 5 tickets
1st Prize - Jetson Warren All Terrain E Bike
2nd Prize - Tommy Bahama Beach Set 2 chairs and cooler/Bluetooth speaker
3rd Prize - 2 tickets to John W Engeman Theater
4th Prize - $100.00 cash
For tickets, see any Eagle Truck Company member before the show or purchase them at the show!
Important Information:
PETS: Due to numerous incidents over the past few years involving pets jumping on vehicles and frightening young children, pets are no longer allowed in the show. While we encourage you to come down to the beach and see the show, please respect the wishes of the majority of show participants and leave your pet outside the gates. This restriction applies to show participants as well.
RAIN DATE: There is NO rain date for this show. The show will take place RAIN or SHINE. In the event of severely inclement or dangerous weather, we reserve the right to cancel the show or close early. If the show is cancelled, notice will be posted on the web site by 8:00 am on the day of the show. If the show closes early, we will make every effort to post notice as soon as possible. It is the responsibility of the show participant to confirm show status either through the web site or the contact telephone number on your registration form or email.